Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Topic Six: Attendance and Timeliness

Task 2:

Alarm starts at 8:45
Out of bed by 9:00
Eat breakfast done by 9:15
Brush teeth and get dressed done by 9:20 maybe 9:25 on a slow day
Leave and go to school there by 9:40-9:45 depending on traffic never too bad though

Task 3:

1: There is really only one way I could incorporate time management into my life. That would be while im at home just sitting around watching movies/playing video games I could be doing more valuable stuff with my time like studying or working around the house. But in the mornings to get to school I am fine. I usually wake up an hour before school which gives me plenty of time to fully wake up and find a ride to school. I dont really care what I wear to school so that saves alot of time.

2: If i became overwhelmed with obligations I would try to set another time for one of them so that I can meet all the obligations but if i cant like school then i will cancel one of the recreational obligations i have. I would never purposefully set up too many obligations in a day where i couldnt freely cancel one or not be able to meet all of them.

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