Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Topic Three: Study Skills

i need to work on getting started on my tasks. i usually put things off "until tomorrow" but im just to lazy to get to work on it anytime soon.

task 2:
1. write quick and neat
2. write only the important parts
3. to better understand the notes write them more than once later.
1. start tasks the moment they are assigned to you
2. if busy at the time do them immediatly after you are done with the other work
3. realize that the time you spend sitting around u could be doing that work

Topic Two: Planning for Immediate and Long Term Success

I would like to be a forensics detective in ten years with my own house. also by then i want to have been able to take me around america trip and my euro trip with my best friends. there is nothing really i can do in the next couple months to prepare except to do the rest of my school work and pass the classes i have now.

i have learned alot from my service learning job like to be really patient with kids and that you need to be really organized to work in a school environment

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Topic Six: Attendance and Timeliness

Task 2:

Alarm starts at 8:45
Out of bed by 9:00
Eat breakfast done by 9:15
Brush teeth and get dressed done by 9:20 maybe 9:25 on a slow day
Leave and go to school there by 9:40-9:45 depending on traffic never too bad though

Task 3:

1: There is really only one way I could incorporate time management into my life. That would be while im at home just sitting around watching movies/playing video games I could be doing more valuable stuff with my time like studying or working around the house. But in the mornings to get to school I am fine. I usually wake up an hour before school which gives me plenty of time to fully wake up and find a ride to school. I dont really care what I wear to school so that saves alot of time.

2: If i became overwhelmed with obligations I would try to set another time for one of them so that I can meet all the obligations but if i cant like school then i will cancel one of the recreational obligations i have. I would never purposefully set up too many obligations in a day where i couldnt freely cancel one or not be able to meet all of them.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Topic 10: Communication Skills

Task 1:

E-Mail, Letters, Texting

Speaking, Talking on the phone, Talkng on the Radio

Sign Language, Symbols you wear, Gestures

Task 2:

I believe that my communication skills or okay enough to work in any environment. I may not want to talk to anybody but when im required to then im curtious and polite. If no one was to talk to me then i dont plan on talking to anyone.

I can not right more to this do to the fact that i have only been at my service learning placement once and what i wrote above is from that one experience.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Topic 9: Attitudes

Topic 9: Attitudes

Task 2:

Paragraph 1:

I usually react in a respectable manner or with a good attitude. I rarely have a bad attitude toward something. If I was to start getting a negative attitude, I just ignore it so that it doesn't become a hindrence.

Paragraph 2:

I haven't started my service learning or have a job right now so i can't comment on what I should be improving since I have no idea as of this moment.

Paragraph 3:

Others that have bad or negative attitudes usually make me mad. I tend to ignore them. I see how they end up not being liked by alot of people and that they have a bad outlook at life. That is what keeps me from haveing a negative attitude in anything. Now if someone disrespects me then its a different story. That particular person will not ever see a good side of me until they show me respect again then im alright with them.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cell Phone Etiquette

Task 1:

The results stated that I know the proper cell phone etiquette but I don't always practice it.

Task 2:

Its really weird that the rules of proper cell phone etiquette are all things I do out of respect for others around me but the survey said that i need to practice the proper cell phone etiquette more often when I always do anyways.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

7 Habits of Successful PLC Students

Task 1:

I need to develop better study habits, and set higher expectations. If I were to develop better study habits then I might be able to pay better attention in class and remember things I need to know a little better. If I were to set higher expectations I would look into exactly what i would need to do after high school to get the job I want and would be able to know what job i even want after high school.

Task 2:

I'm not really sure what else you could possibly add to this list, it all seems very thorough to me and I already have two that I need to work on in the future. I beleive that if you were to follow these guidelines that you would be a excellent student.